Dai, Welcome to Wiktionary ! It is great that you have added new words with images on the Wikitonary. But for some words you have ju... को साथमा पृष्ठ शृजना भयो
कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन
पङ्क्ति १:
Dai, Welcome to Wiktionary !
It is great that you have added new words with images on the Wikitonary. But for some words you have just written one line. Ya, you can add words of which you only know meaning but please use the template at http://ne.wiktionary.org/wiki/Talk:मुख्य_पृष्ठ
I am still working on to get Devanagari typing in this Wiktioanry as in ne Wikipedia. Your work is great on adding words. :)