Dai, Welcome to Wiktionary ! It is great that you have added new words with images on the Wikitonary. But for some words you have just written one line. Ya, you can add words of which you only know meaning but please use the template at http://ne.wiktionary.org/wiki/Talk:मुख्य_पृष्ठ

I am still working on to get Devanagari typing in this Wiktioanry as in ne Wikipedia. Your work is great on adding words. :)

Dai can you please do the following:

-Make list of all the categories we need to make. For example: see the following list:

  • नामपद
  • असङ्खेय नाम
  • सङ्खेय नाम
  • सर्वनाम
  • सम्बन्धवाची सर्वनाम
  • क्रिया
  • एककर्मक क्रिया
  • विशेषण
  • संख्यावाची विशेषण
  • गुणवाची विशेषण
  • कालवाची विशेषण
  • संयोजक

so that we don't have to add categories time and again.

Dai when you add news words to wiktionary please care the following things:

  1. As for the words you have added in this days, in all words you have done same type of mistake (not mistake but like mistake).

you always write [[:Category:संज्ञा but you have written Category:संज्ञा

  1. and don't give more than 1 line spaces.

Sentence one

Sentence two

Sentence three

The gap between line one and two is right but between two and three is wrong.

  1. The character you have used for purdabiram as in the below sentence is incorrect.

Wrong use of Purnabiram: अम्बक एउटा मीठो फल हो| Wrong use of Purnabiram: अम्बक एउटा मीठो फल हो ।

You should use । instead of |

Hope you will improve. With all our improvements and collaboration this ne wiktionary is going to be great success.

PS: Dai, don't worry about fixing these things in words you have already added (I will fix them all.) but don't repeat them in new words.

-please add

[[Category:सङ्खेय नामपद]] 

or nampad categories to animal names you add.

Nepali Wiktionary मा देवनागरी सम्बन्धी

सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

Ok I will see and try to fix that issue as shown as possible. Thanks for the comment. Ujjwol ०३:०६, २६ अक्टोबर २०१० (UTC)

नेपाली राख्नुभएकोमा धन्यवाद

सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

नेपाली लिपी लाइ लेख्न मिल्ने बनाउनुभएको मा धन्यवाद। --RajeshPandey १७:१८, ११ फेब्रुअरी २०११ (UTC)

Invite to WikiConference India 2011

सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

Hi Bhawani Gautam,

The First WikiConference India is being organized in Mumbai and will take place on 18-20 November 2011.
You can see our Official website, the Facebook event and our Scholarship form.(last date for submission is 15 August 2011)

But the activities start now with the 100 day long WikiOutreach.

Call for participation is now open, please submit your entries here. (last date for submission is 30 August 2011)

As you are part of Wikimedia India community we invite you to be there for conference and share your experience. Thank you for your contributions.

We look forward to see you at Mumbai on 18-20 November 2011

Your temporary access is going to expire soon

सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्
Hello, you were granted temporary adminship in this wiki which is going to expire in a few days. Just to let you know that if you want to continue as an administrator here, you need to request an extension on stewards' permission request page on Meta-Wiki. Usually you only have to make a local announcement on your local village pump or request for adminship page, and if there are no objections after no less than three days, your request will be fulfilled. Additionally, if you think the community is big enough to elect a permanent administrator, you can place a local request here for a permanent adminship, so stewards can grant you the permanent access. Please ask me or any other steward if you have any questions. Thank you! Trijnstel (वार्ता) १०:१०, २८ फेब्रुअरी २०१२ (युटिसी(UTC))