→‎Things you need improve: नयाँ खण्ड
पङ्क्ति ३०:
Dai when you add news words to wiktionary please care the following things:
-# As for the words you have added in this days, in all words you have done same type of mistake (not mistake but like mistake).
you always write [[Category:संज्ञा but you have written [[Category:संज्ञा]]
#and don't give more than 1 line spaces.
Sentence one
पङ्क्ति ४४:
<big>The gap between line one and two is right but between two and three is wrong.</big>
# The character you have used for purdabiram as in the below sentence is incorrect.
Wrong use of Purnabiram: अम्बक एउटा मीठो फल हो|
Wrong use of Purnabiram: अम्बक एउटा मीठो फल हो ।
You should use । instead of |
Hope you will improve.